
What do students say about banana leaf 500,000 on Amazon Japan?

TTO - An account of selling banana leaves on Amazon in Japan is causing fever in Vietnam social network. Many people expressed interest in this interesting discovery.
Lunar New Year brings the demand for holiday food up. For overseas students, preparing a traditional rice bowl is much more difficult. Recently, netizens repeatedly passed a snapshot of the sale price of banana leaves on Amazon.

This price makes young people not shocked when the price of banana leaves up to 2,280 yen, equivalent to nearly 500,000 VND for a banana leaf. Notably, this shop sells ... set 3 leaves reduced to only 3,700 yen (~ 740,000), 5 leaves to 5,700 yen (~ 1.140.000 VND).

The price of banana leaves suddenly cause social networking
In Vietnam, banana leaves are a popular product when used as a supporting material in many traditional dishes such as banh chung (square glutinous rice cake), banh tet, cakes, etc. Banana leaf volume in Vietnam is stable all year round. , so the price is low and usually only increase at the time of Tet. Therefore, many people are surprised to know that banana leaves in Japan ... so luxuriant.
Banana leaf scarcity in Japan is explained by the fact that banana trees can only be grown on the island of Okinawa - where the climate is warm. So bananas are sold at high prices.

Many netizens expressed interest in the discovery. Facebooker Nhung Nguyen shared, "Wealth is not difficult.
"My banana garden is full of chopped beef, duck for sale, and selling ducklings can not be as good as banana leaf money," he said.
What do students say about banana leaf 500,000 on Amazon Japan? - Photo 2.
Many students half jokingly banana leaves in the future.
However, according to Ngoc Thao, a 23-year-old student from Tokyo, Japan, the banana leaf was posted to Amazon by an individual rather than an official supplier.
"The Japanese do not have a package of glutinous rice, but at such a high price, students will not buy." There is a market selling banana leaves all year round, prices are only a few hundred yen a leaf so I think if you buy the package. The students will buy there. "

Thao also said, this is the first time heard such a high price for a banana leaf. "Maybe this is a Japanese plant that is expensive, because there are very few bananas in Japan, most of them have to be imported." Basically, banana leaves are higher in price than Vietnam, but not scarce. to such a high price. "


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